About Us

Nature and history of business

Company has been incorporated on 21.06.2006 by Biren V. Shah and Vinodchandra A. Shah for the purpose of business of Commodities Broking (including commodities derivatives). Trading and hedging. The company is also in line of business of shares and stocks trading including share derivatives.The promoter of the company is in the line of business since more than 10 years. Client may please note that, we do trade in Proprietary/Own Account.

SEBI Registration number : INZ000077431

Profile of ownership

The company is pre dominantly owned by Biren V. Shah family. The ownership pattern is as per shareholder list.

Registered Office Details

The registered office of the company is at 1412 To 1413A, 13th Floor, DSCCSL Tower(53E), Road 5E, Block 53, Opp. WTC, Zone 5, DTA, Gift City, Gandhinagar - 382355

Management Structure including Organization Chart

The Company is centrally controlled and managed by the director by Mr. Biren V. Shah considering the nature of business and experience in the line of business. The most of the activity of business are controlled by him. He is also assisted by another director Dhara Raxitbhai Shah. The organization chart is attached herewith.

Sr No Name of the Individual Designation Mobile Number Email Id
1 Biren V Shah Director 9824021126 [email protected]
2 Dhara R Shah Director 9227928919 [email protected]

Industry Specification

The Company is engaged in commodities broker and is member of MCX, NMCE, NCDEX, ACE AND NSEL. The company has its own office set up as per commodity exchange rules and regulations. The company is having its own Vast client network and is also in to commodities trading. The industry is governed by Forward Market Commission (FMC) who is the regulatory authority.

Facility Location

The company is operating from its registered office at above mentioned address.

Internal Controls related to accounting system

The internal controls and systems are controlled and evaluated by the director themselves. The day to day account is done on computerized program. The internal controls system and audit are done by the Auditor. The note on internal control separately attached herewith.

Industry Statistics

The commodities broking market is presently at around 10% of the share broking business and is generating the volumes of around Rs. 200-500 crores per day.


Method of accounting

the company follows accrual system of accounting the company is following the applicable accounting standards. No cost accounting and cost audit are applicable. The specimen of accounting documents are kept on record. The company is having specially designed accounting software for this industry.


The Company is considering its size and nature of business does not require specify EDP. The accounting and other record are in the possession of director.